Mapping your way to perfect skin!

To many adult’s distress, unsightly acne might stick around well beyond one’s teens. In fact, you might try a plethora of products and an excess of ointments before realizing that this particular sort of acne is here for the long haul. So what can be done in situations like this? Two words: Face mapping.

Face mapping is an effective medical practice which connects different areas of the face with conditions of the body. How many time, after a new pimple crops up, have you heard, “There’s probably something wrong with your tummy.” The explanation goes beyond this, and usually the functions of organs, the food we eat and the weather contributes to how our facial skin looks.

  • Forehead:
    Forehead zits are nothing to worry about… much. They are caused by a fungus that is naturally present on the skin, especially the scalp. When it’s humid out, or stressful in, this fungus grows in excess and travels down to the forehead and the hairline margin. The best way to tackle this is to wash your hair more frequently, two to three times a week, with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Also, product residue is a silent skin killer, and you should stop applying too many products in the hair and scalp.

  • Eyebrows and between the eyebrows:
    Deep pimples in the eyebrow region can be caused due to stress or an excessive consumption of refined sugars. Refined sugar are those types of sugars that don’t naturally occur. These have been taken from their natural form and processed, or ‘refined’ to create various food. Candy, soda’s and the sugar one uses in tea and coffee are all examples of refined sugars. Stay away!

  • Nose:
    Pimples, zits and redness on the nose, which spills over on the cheeks. This condition is know as rosacea. Rosacea is most commonly caused due acidity in the stomach. Other factors include stress, sunlight, spicy food, alcohol and excessive intake of coffee, cheese and chocolates. Using a mild face wash and sunscreen should do the trick. Applications of metronidazole and azelaic acid will help the redness.

  • Blackheads and whiteheads on the cheeks:
    Some might notice no pimples and only blackheads and whiteheads on the cheeks. This is most often the cause of comedogenic ingredients in creams, lotions and cosmetics that lead to blocked pores, and consequently blackheads and whiteheads. Many non-comedogenic products, including face creams, sun blocks and make-up, are available in the market. Get your hands on a few.

  • Chin and along the jawline:
    The most common cause of concern or acne in this region is hormonal imbalances, especially during puberty, and disorders such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Although, a monthly breakout during the time of one’s menstruation might be normal, a chronic condition of acne in these parts is, more often than not, a sign of hormonal problems. The best way to go forward is get tested for PCOS by your gynecologist. He/she might put you on medication that regulates your PCOS and consequently helps your acne. An abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland may also give rise to these pimples, albeit rarely.

  • Around the mouth:
    Zits around the mouth is known as perioral dermatitis. Greasy, oil based cosmetics and too much of fat and sugar in the food is the main culprit here. This leads to the excessive growth of the gram negative bacteria leading to gram negative folliculitis. If this persists, you should visit your dermatologist. Staying away from sugar and greasy food can never hurt.

  • Redness and scaling:
    Redness and scaling along the nose, or on the eyebrows and eyelids is known as seborrheic dermatitis. This is primarily caused due to too much sugar (surprise!), rich and greasy food and over-consumption of alcohol.

  • In conclution
    Acne products will come in help if you have existing zits. Products containing benzoyl peroxide and face washes with salicylic acid will calm acne. Cleaning your cell-phone, cleaning pillow covers regularly and distressing are all unusual ways of reducing your chances of getting acne. However, if acne continues to prevail, do visit you qualified skin doctor.

Too many people live in complacency as far as acne is concerned. This is largely because they believe that acne is not harmful to health, rather simply unappealing to the eyes. Remember, chronic acne is not a ‘normal’ condition. It almost always points to a larger problem. Don’t ignore it!

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